Selasa, 16 November 2010

Pride and Proud

For once in a while the French language is more precise than English, as there are two words in French to translate "pride": fierté and orgueil, their respective adjectives being fier and orgueilleux. "Pride and Prejudice" is translated by Orgueil et Préjugés, while the original title of the traditional French song "I am Proud to be Burgundian" is Je suis fier d'être bourguignon. 
In short, fierté and fier have positive connotations whilst orgueil and orgueilleux carry a perjorative weight. (Curiously enough, the French translate "the proud parents" by les heureux parents.)
As we all know, pride (l'orgueil) is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. In my opinion it is the deadliest of them all because it makes it so difficult, if not impossible, to take corrective action.

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